When do wedding speeches take place during the ceremony?

There are several components to a wedding ceremony. There are several different options that you are going to find to work through, including wedding speeches. This is something that is somewhat normal to consider. Here’s the thing, however, you may want to look through various timing elements and options that will help you figure out when you should focus on speeches and when you need to have proper timing, overall. If you’re not sure when wedding speeches take place during a ceremony, the following notes are going to help you figure things out moving forward.

During The Ceremony Proper

For some people, the speeches come through before the vows. They go down a schedule option and will keep things going forward with simple momentum. During the ceremony you’ll have more than just the initial setup, marching, and vows. You will want to work with the ceremony and allow for a few moments where you can have a couple of speeches. You don’t need to go through all of them, but you can work with a few options overall. For instance, you could have the best man, and maid of honor talk about different things. Two speakers are enough, and you can do that before the vows.

The Reception Option

The other solution that you’re going to want to consider is that of the reception. The reception is going to be a great point to have wedding speeches. You’ll want to do this after food and drinks are served. You could even work towards this after everyone is seated and dinner or lunch is served. When that is done, you’ll want to go through speeches that are introduced by the master of ceremonies. You can work through a lineup of people that want to say a few things, and then have proper speech solutions overall. This is a positive option to work through, and will no doubt be something positive.

Going Non-Traditional

If you want to go with something that is not very traditional, then you’ll want to focus on throwing out speeches throughout the different parts of the ceremony. You can have speeches staggered throughout. For instance, you could have one to start the ceremony, then you could have one before the vows are stated, and then a couple of options during the reception. Either way, you’ll find that you will find that there are spots that you can choose in regard to non-traditional solution. It’s really up to you, and how you want the ceremony to progress.

At the end of the day, you’re going to find that there are a lot of different ways that you can look at the ceremony for your wedding. Whether you want the speeches to go long, or short, you can find time to squeeze them in throughout various points in the ceremony. You could have many people talking, or you could have a few people talking. It’s up to you, honestly. There’s no “one” way to do this, and there’s no “timing” that you should follow unless you absolutely want something traditional, in which case your venue will help you with that.