How to introduce yourself in a wedding speech

If you’re asked to speak at a wedding, you’ll find that you will need to work with a few notes to figure out what to say. The hardest part of the speech isn’t going to be the body, or even the conclusion, it’s going to be how you start things. You’re going to need to figure out how to start and introduce yourself overall. It’s something that can be difficult to manage, but you can take a few notes starting now to figure out what you want to say and how to say it.

The Easiest Option

In order to start introducing yourself, you should focus on the easiest of solutions. The best way to work through this is to just state your name. This is an easy option to move forward with. Simply get up and say your full name, and why you’re going to be speaking. Going this route is going to help you gain the upper hand, but of course, it’s something simple to start with.

Making It Funny

Let’s say that you don’t want to go simple, but rather you want to go funny. You could always look online for videos of people’s opening lines from comedy routines. You could also look into other people’s speeches and how they started talking. You can then formulate an option that is similar to that solution. Making it funny is not a difficult thing to work with, if you just gather some ideas from existing videos and examples. There’s a lot of options that abound online, and can help you make things stand out. You don’t have to go with something cheesy, like, “hello ladies and germs”, as that usually doesn’t work too well, but you may make it work, depending on what you want to do with your introduction overall.

Trying Out Different Lines

Here’s something that you can do to make things a bit easier, and it’s simple, try out different lines. Get a piece of paper out and write out at least 10 ways to open up a speech. It’s that simple. If you can work with this, you will be able to get the upper hand in what you want to work with. If you have 10 different ways to work with an opening line, you can edit which ones work and which ones aren’t that good at all.

Ask Around

If you’re stumped, or you just have too many options, you’ll need to look into what other people think. Ask around, and see what other people think about opening lines and if they would open it with some of the ideas that you have. You want to get opinions and options so that you are able to work through a few options that could help you in regard to inspiration. Of course, this is something that takes time to build to, but if you work with it properly, you’ll be able to ask around and get the right solution overall. Just make sure that as you work with an introduction, you keep focused on the rest of your speech, etc.